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Welcome to GymTravers Personal Training!


My name is Jimmy and I’m a strength coach and mobility specialist. I started to integrate the practice of strength training into my personal routine back in 2012. After realizing the holistic impact of strength training both physically and mentally, I decided to help others find confidence in their fitness routines and kicked off my professional career as a personal trainer.

I began at Crunch fitness and moved up to luxury gyms such as Lifetime Fitness where I was consistently named one of their top 3 performers for personal training. I have since been training clients privately at gyms throughout New York City.

12 years of rigorous training done

I help clients achieve their strength goals while also combating chronic or acute pain and stress on the body.

I have dealt with chronic pain in the knees, shoulders, hips, lower back and upper back. This has helped me develop a training methodology that not only combats, but gets ahead of chronic pain symptoms that plague many people today.

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